

Before the auction, our catalog is always available for viewing at our website. If you would prefer a copy of catalog, please contact us before the auction, or request a copy during the preview or auction.

The preview for each auction is always held before the auction date. It is strongly recommended for potential bidders to come to the preview and inspect the interested lots carefully. On the day of auction, the preview period ends as soon as auction starts.

Bidding in Person
To participate the auction in person, simply come to the auction at the auction date. Bidder must first register at front desk, with valid form of ID, and may be asked to provide a credit card on file. We recommend all bidders to register before the date of auction. Then, a paddle will be given to the registered bidder for use during the auction. During the auction, bidder may bid on any item by raising the paddle to the auctioneer’s request for bid. The bidding will continue until the auctioneer determines the winning bidder, and will finish the lot by announcing the hammer price and bidder number. Once the bidder has finished bidding on interested lots, head to the front desk, return the paddle, and pay for and pick up the winning lots.

Telephone and Absentee Bids
If bidder prefer to leave absentee bids or execute phone bids, simply complete the Absentee/Phone Bidding Form, and return it to us either in person, E-Mail, our website, or fax. Bidder must submit the form at least 24 hours before auction.
For absentee bids, bidder must submit the highest amount they are willing to bid. During the auction, the auctioneer will execute the bids on behalf of the bidder at regular bidding increments, similar to normal floor bidding.
For phone bids, our representative will contact bidder a few lots ahead of the designated lots, and execute bids on behalf of bidder.
Please do note that in the event of tied bids, the auctioneer has the sole discretion of awarding the winning bid, usually in favor of floor bidder.


Terms and Conditions of Sale
Before bidding, please make sure you have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of Sale. If you have any additional questions or concerns, contact us via our website, telephone, E-Mail, or fax before leaving any bids.

Condition Reports
Please contact us with specific lot numbers, and any additional requests, question, or concerns.

Buyer’s Premium

Buyer’s Premium 20%

Bidding Increments
The standard bidding increments are shown below, but it may change at the auctioneer’s discretion.

Bidding Range Bidding Increments
$0 – $99 $10
$100 – $499 $25
$500 – $999 $50
$1,000 – $2,999 $100
$3,000 – $4,999 $250
$5,000 – $9,999 $500
$10,000 – $29,999 $1,000
$30,000 – $49,999 $2,500
$50,000 – $99,999 $5,000
$100,000 and above $10,000

We accept credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover), cash, wire transfer, cashier’s check, money order, and check. All payments must be made in US dollars, and lots will only be released after full payment is received. If paying by check, it must be cleared by bank first. Payment must be received within ten (10) days of the auction.

We only pack and ship small items. It is recommended that buyers to use local shippers or preferred shippers to pick up, pack, and ship the lots.