Page 8 - Summer Magnificent Chinese Works of Art, Paintings & Ceramics
P. 8

Lot 8772

                                                                           RUSSET JADE RETICULATED ‘QIUSHAN’
                                                                           元 秋山玉爐頂

                                                                           The reticulated jade finial is elaborately carved
                                                                           and pierced with egrets standing in various
                                                                           postures amidst a densely intertwining network of
                                                                           stems of lotus sprays, all supported on a jade base.
                                                                           The stone is of overall celadon tone with russet.
                                                                           Height: 1 5/8 in (4.1 cm)
                                                                           Length: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm)
                                                                           Width: 2 5/8 in (6.7 cm)

                                                                           $4,500 - $5,500

Lot 8773                                                                   Lot 8774

JADE CARVED BRUSH REST                                                     WHITE JADE RETICULATED ‘QIUSHAN’ FINIAL
元 白玉雕山石筆架                                                                  白玉 鏤空雕爐頂鈕
Yuan Dynasty period.
The jade brush rest carved in naturalistic form similar to viewing stone,  The reticulated white jade finial is elaborately carved and pierced with
with jagged edges, small pierced holes, and uneven surface, the jade is    egrets standing in various postures amidst a densely intertwining
of greyish-white color tone with russet, set on wooden stand.              network of stems of lotus sprays, all supported on a jade base. The stone
                                                                           is of overall white tone with translucency.
元代玉筆架已經追求人工雕琢的藝術韻味,有文人情趣。此筆架通體有大小                                          此件白玉玉雕頂部覆蓋著卷邊的蓮葉,四周上下水草蘆葉雜陳,草葉中或高
不一的孔洞,頗有洞石的自然天趣。                                                           或低地停著四隻鸛鳥,有的翹首獨立,有的引頸遠眺,有的相偎覓食,多層
Height: 2 1/2 in (6.3 cm)                                                  未透的內景。寥寥數刀就把水草飄搖、鸛鳥多姿的神態刻畫得惟妙惟肖,淋
Length: 6 in (15.2 cm)                                                     Height: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm)
Width: 1 in (2.5 cm)                                                       Length: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm)

$7,000 - $9,000                                                            $2,000 - $2,500

6 | Mega International Auction
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